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Protect Kidneys ( pic source - stylesray) |
Kidneys are one of the most vital organ of human body which performs major functions like removing toxins and excess salt/water from body, excess water from blood, helps in controlling blood pressure, also produces red blood cells.
It control blood stream levels of many minerals and molecules like sodium and potassium, helps to control blood acidity.
World Kidney Day is observed to raise awareness among people all across the globe about the health, diseases and problems of the kidneys, so as to reduce the occurrence of kidney diseases as well as all the associated health problems.
This year's Theme is " Living Well With Kidney Disease" which highlights about the education and awareness.. effective symptom management and patient empowerment, with the ultimate goal of encouraging life participation ( source- worldkidneyday.org)
Acc. to World Kidney Day Org, वर्ष २०२५ तक करीब 18% पुरुष और 21% महिलाएं पूरे विश्व में मोटापे से ग्रसित होंगे!! मोटापा अपने साथ कई अन्य तरह की व्याधियों को साथ लाता है जैसे heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea, fatty liver, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, various cancers, mental disorders, and poor quality of life. Obesity is also a potent risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). People who are overweight or obese have 2 to 7 more chances of developing ESRD compared to those of normal weight.
हमारे भारत में, about 11.2% of the population was found to be overweight or obese. Obesity means *having too much fat in body tissues* n it occurs when we *consume more calories than what our body actually needs.*
Kidney Dysfunction/ diseases can happen to a person belonging to any age group. Kidney diseases in children can occur due to defects during pregnancy or when Kidneys are underdeveloped or not in place or also Hereditary disease called Polycystic kidneys. Some of the Symptoms in kids are -
बार बार पेशाब जाना
urination के दौरान रोना/दर्द होना/ ज्यादा प्रेशर लगाना
बार बार बुखार आना
बिस्तर में पेशाब करना
foul smelling urine
भूख कम होना
जोड़ों में दर्द
उम्र के मान से शारीरिक ग्रोथ कम होना
वजन का अप्रत्याशित रूप से बढ़ना
🧀In order to prevent Obesity, it is utmost important to take a healthy n nutritious diet.🍒
🌽बच्चों को दिया जाने वाला भोजन स्वादिष्ट, सुपाच्य ओर पौषक तत्वों से परिपूर्ण होना चाहिए।🍵
🌯भोजन का समय निश्चित होना चाहिए⏲⌚
🙅Avoid heavy meals in night🍔
🍟Avoid consuming fast foods everyday🙅
🍭Avoid food rich in sugar n fat❌
👉Always read about contents n preservatives used in packaged food items🍿
⛹🏻Engage in daily physical activity n workouts🚴🏻
📣Ensure that all children should get healthy snacks in schools,
🍱सभी स्कूल्स के केंटिन में मिलने वाली खाद्य सामग्री की गुणवत्ता की पूरी जॉंच
👶बच्चे के body weight पर नजर📝
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Give Kidneys healthy boost |
By maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, one can avoid Kidney Disorders.
Keep Youself Fit n Active, Have Regular Blood Pressure n sugar level Check-ups, Keep a close eye on what You are Eating, Have Frequent Fluid Intake, Abstain Yourself from Tobacco/Smoking.
Stay Healthy..!!!
Dr. Pooja Pathak
for swavalambanrehab.com
( info source: worldkidneyday.org)
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