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Think Mouth, Think Health : World Oral Health Day

"World Oral Health Day" has been observed on 20th March globally to raise Awareness among public regarding the Importance of Maintaining Good Oral Health and Hygiene... 

इस वर्ष की थीम है  " Be Proud Of Your Mouth" जो की यह बताती है की अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए हेल्दी मॉउथ हैबिट्स होना बहुत ही जरुरी है. 

Maintaining a healthy mouth is crucial to keeping it functioning correctly and for maintaining overall health and quality of life. 

तम्बाकू उत्पादों का अत्यधिक सेवन, मुख-दांतों की सफाई के प्रति उदासीनता के कारन हमारे देश में ओरल कैंसर से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों की संख्या में पिछले दशक में कई गुना वृद्धि देखने को मिली हैआपको जानकर हैरानी होगी की हमारे भारत में 95% of adults suffer from gum disease and 50% people of our population don't use a toothbrush daily, whereas 70% of children under the age of 15 have dental caries. 

Unhealthy Diet, Excessive Consumption of Food having High amount of Sugar, Harmful Use Of Alcohol, Diabetes contributes to various Oral Health problems..  

Oral diseases also affects overall health n wellbeing of  kids n give rise to problems like  pain, impaired aesthetics, recurrent infections, eating troubles, poor ability to learn, and insufficient nutrition..!!

Keeping a Good Oral Hygiene is Very Important. Remember - 

रोज़ाना दो बार ब्रश करें 
तम्बाकू सेवन/ मद्धपान् न करें 
प्रचुर मात्रा में ताज़े फलों/सब्जियों का सेवन करें 
अधिक शक्कर वाली खाद्य वस्तुओं का सेवन कम करें 

proper brushing techniques

An important part of good oral health is knowing how to brush and floss correctly. 

Thorough brushing each day removes plaque. Gently brush the teeth on all sides with a soft bristle brush using a fluoride toothpaste.
Circular and short back-and-forth strokes work best.
Take the time to brush carefully along the gum line. Lightly brushing your tongue also helps to remove plaque and food debris and makes your mouth feel fresh.

In addition to brushing, using dental floss is necessary to keep the gums healthy.
Proper flossing is important because it removes plaque and leftover food that a toothbrush cannot reach. .
If brushing or flossing results in bleeding gums, pain, or irritation, then consult dentist.

common gum problems

Even babies can develop tooth decay if good feeding habits aren't practiced. Putting a baby to sleep with a bottle might be convenient, but can harm the baby's teeth.

When the sugars from juice or milk remain on a baby's teeth for hours, they can eat away at the enamel, creating a condition known as bottle mouth.
Pocked, pitted, or discolored front teeth are signs of bottle mouth. Severe cases result in cavities and the need to pull all of the front teeth until the permanent ones grow in.

Remember that Healthy Inside Brings Healthy Outside..!! 

Keep Smiling :) 

Dr. Pooja Pathak

Founder n Occupational Therapist
Swavalamban Rehab 


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