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Eat Right, Stay Bright!

किसी भी राष्ट्र की सबसे बड़ी पूंजी होती है उसके नागरिक, और नागरिक जितने ज़्यादा स्वस्थ और तंदरुस्त रहेंगे, उतना ही वे राष्ट्र निर्माण में अपना अत्यधिक योगदान एवं सहयोग दे पाएंगे. समस्त नागरिकों में स्वस्थ और सेहत के प्रति जागरूकता लाने एवं जीवन में पौषक आहार का महत्व समझने के उद्देश्य से "पोषक सप्ताह" का आयोजन किया जाता है.

ForEveryChild - Healthy food is Basic Right ( image-

National Nutrition Week is celebrated every year from September 1 to 7 and the theme for this year is "Eat Right, Bite by Bite"

Our food is the main source of nutrition needs to be chosen wisely and to go further with food requires you to explore the nutritious food options we are provided with by mother nature. 

The main aim of this campaign is to create awareness on the importance of nutrition for health which has far reaching implications on development, productivity, economic growth and ultimately national development.

Inculcate HealthyEating in kids

  हमारा भोजन हमारे स्वस्थ को सीधे तौर पर प्रभावित करता है, अतः यह अत्यावशयक है की जिस प्रकार का भोजन हम ग्रहण कर रहे है वह स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ ही संतुलित हो, पोषण से भरपूर हो, और समुचित तरीके से पकाया गया हो. किसी भी प्रकार के भोजन में प्रोटीन, विटामिन्स, मिनरल्स, और अन्य माइक्रो-न्यूट्रिएंट्स की उपस्थिति बेहद जरुरी होती है क्यूंकि इनके होने पर ही कोई भी मनुष्य अंदरूनी और बाहरी तौर पर स्वयं को ज्यादा स्वस्थ महसूस करता है. साथ ही उसकी इम्युनिटी (रोग- प्रतिरोधक) क्षमता भी बढ़ती है.

हमारे देश में 20% of 👶👶 under 5 years of age suffer from wasting due to acute undernutrition, 43% 👦👧under 5 years are underweight and 48% (i.e. 61 million children) are stunted due to chronic undernutrition.!! अर्थात India accounts for more than 3 out of every 10 stunted children in the world😮😱 #NationalNutritionWeek is observed to raise Awareness among masses regarding #healthyeating habits 🍎🍌🥑

#Undernutrition is substantially higher in rural than in urban areas. Short birth intervals are associated with higher levels of undernutrition. The percentage of children who are severely underweight is almost five times higher among children whose mothers have no education than among children whose mothers have 12 or more years of schooling. Immunity boosting foods are really essential for kid's overall growth & development.

Healthy Diet for growth & development of kids (image-

Good #nutrition during infancy n early childhood allows kids to grow, develop, learn, play n participate in their society while malnutrition impairs physical growth, mental-cognitive ability, increased risk of getting infections or diseases n overall health n wellbeing. These factors also affects the producitiviy later in life.

Nutrition is a focal point of health and well being. It allows you to be strong, provides you with the energy to do the things and makes you look and feel good. Eating right is not merely meant for people who want to loose weight or want to get back in shape, it should be incorporated in everyone's lifestyle to keep diseases at bay and stay fit.

Balanced diet is must for mother & child ( image-

गर्भवती स्त्रियों और माताओं को समुचित पोषक आहार दिया जाना न सिर्फ उनके अपितु उनके शिशुओं के विकास को भी प्रत्यक्ष रूप से प्रभावित करता है. पोषक आहार पाकर बच्चों का शारीरिक एवं मानसिक विकास सुचारू रूप से होता है.

Nutrition Tips:

Eat fresh foods with the minimum of processing.
Eat raw fruits and vegetables whenever possible. If you need to cook them, use as little water as possible because many nutrients are destroyed by heat or boiled water.

Taking Meals together encourages healthy eating habit ( image-

Eat fruits and vegetables with skins (apart from carrots, which can absorb toxins from the soil). Wash them thoroughly first.
Don't cut, wash or soak fruits and vegetables until you are ready to eat them.
Prefer traditional, home made foods against fast food.
Avoid replacing meals with snack foods.
Limit consumption of sugar and unhealthy processed foods.

So, Pick Right n Feel Bright..!!

Dr. Pooja Pathak


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