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Know It, Prevent It: World Stroke Day 29 Oct

Keep your Spirits Up, Stroke is Treatable ( pic-

World Stroke Day 29 Oct is observed to raise public awareness about Stroke, its causes, treatment n rehabilitation follow-up care. 

This year's theme is "Stroke is Treatable " which emphasizes that through early identification n proper follow-up, it can be managed successfully. 

Stroke (Cerebrovascular Disease) occurs when Brain/ part of brain cells got damaged due to interruption of blood supply. This interrution is caused when the blood vessel got blocked ( clot i.e. ischemia) or bursts ( i.e. haemorrhage). Now according to the particular region of the brain which got most affected by this, the body functions ( like speech, mibility, comprehension, sensations) of that individual affects resulting in disability ( if not taken care of) or sudden death. 

Stroke stats ( pic- ozonetherapymalaysia)

Acc. to WHO, nearly 6.2 million people lost their lives due to Stroke every year n it is estimated that in every minute nearly 6 people died because of it.

In India, nearly one-fifth of patients with first-ever stroke admitted to hospitals has been estimated to be aged 40 years or less. It has been estimated that hypertension causes 54% of stroke in low-income and middle-income countries, followed by hypercholesterolemia (15%) and tobacco smoking (12%). The prevalence rate of strokes is 84-262 per 100,000 population in rural India and 334-424 out of 100,000 population in cities. ( source - timesofindia). 

स्ट्रोक के कुछ प्रमुख वार्निंग Signs है - 

- sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body हाथ, पैर, चेहरे अथवा शरीर के एक भाग में अचानक कमजोरी या सुन्नपन होना 

- abrupt loss of vision, sudden dimness of vision, especially in one eye अचानक  ही एक या दोनों आँखों में धुंधला दिखाई देना 

- loss of strength, coordination, sensation

- problem in speech/ or the ability to understand speech बोलने में अटकना/ दिक्कत 

-sudden loss of balance/walking/coordination

-trouble with swallowing

-sudden and severe headache, followed rapidly by loss of consciousness 

-brief loss of consciousness बेहोशी 

-unexplained dizziness or sudden fall चक्कर/ गश खाकर गिर जाना  

Risk factors of Stroke include Hypertension, Sedentary Lifestyle, Diabetes, Stress, Poor Diet, Smoking, Tobacco n alcohol consumption. 


Maintaining Physical n Mental Wellbeing should be utmost prirority of every individual. 

Also consuming Healthy n Balanced Meals on proper time, 

keep urself moving ( pic- wisegeek)

Engaging in Daily Workouts n Exercises, 

Going for Health Check-ups at Regular Intervals, 

Spending Quality Time with Family, 

Yoga/ Meditation/ Tai-Chi n other relaxation methods to De-Stress will helps in maintatining Good Brain n Heart Health.. 

Love your Heart, Take Care of your Brain... 

Stay Healthy..

Dr. P Pathak 

for Swavalamban Rehab 


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