With changing lifestyle practices in today's scenario, Heart Diseases or Cardio-Vascular Diseases ( CAD) is one of the leading cause of untimely death all across the globe.
Understanding Early Warning Signs of Heart Diseases can Save Life. (image credit: southpalmcardiovascular.com) |
The major cause that leads to loss of loved ones is lack of awareness about early warning signs of heart diseases, along with sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical workout n exercises, consuming alcohol-tobacco or other products.
हाल ही में हुए एक शोध में सामने आया है की भारत में पुरुषों की अपेक्षा महिलाओं में हृदय रोग होने की संभावनाएं कहीं अधिक होती हैं.
The study was conducted in twelve leading metro and non-metro cities of India on 1.6 lakh urban Indians out of which, 32 percent respondents were females and 92 percent of all female respondents were less than 60 years of age.
Women r at greater risk of CAD (image: multicare.org) |
In India, women are more at risk of heart disease today than 3 three years ago.
The largest group of women at risk of CVD are aged 35-44.
Heart Diseases risk is as high amongst housewives as it is amongst working professionals. 69 percent of Housewives and 67 percent of working professionals over the age of 35 in India are at the risk of CVD.
(reference: businessstandard.com)
कुछ प्रमुख लक्षण: Let's take a quick glace about some of the major signs-symptoms of Heart Diseases-
सीने में दर्द (एनजाइना)
सीने में जलन
सांस लेने में परेशानी
चक्कर आना
हाथ या पैर में दर्द/झुनझुनाहट/कँपकँपी/कमजोरी
गर्दन/गले/जबड़े में दर्द
अचानक चलते हुए लड़खड़ाना
सीढ़ियां चढ़ते समय/ चलते समय जल्दी सांस भर जाना
ठंडा पसीना आना
पैरों/पंजो में सूजन आना
दिल की धड़कन तेज़ होना
खर्राटे लेना
Symptoms of CAD (image credit: heartfailure.co.uk) |
Some signs typically found more in women include:
पीठ में दर्द/जकड़न
दांतों/जबड़ों में दर्द
मितली/ फ्लू जैसे सिम्पटम
Hence, it's utmost important to recognize and have understanding of these initial warning signs.
Remember, Your Awareness can Save Precious Lives...
So, Spread the Word n Save Lives...
As We Just have Only One Heart n Just One Life...
Dr. Pooja Pathak
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