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World Down Syndrome Day 21 March

World Down Syndrome Day 

This day is observed  to raise public awareness of Down syndrome, a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome.Through different activities and events, the  abilities and accomplishments of people with Down syndrome have been showcased globally.

 The purpose of such events is to focus on encouraging independence, self-advocacy and freedom of choices for people with Down syndrome.

This year, World Down's Syndrome Day will focus on equality and how people with the genetic condition can contribute to their community while living a life of choice and opportunity.

Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans, occurring in about one per 1000 babies born each year.

clinical features

It is also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features, and mild to moderate intellectual disability.

The most common features associated with Down syndrome include:

Low muscle tone (babies appear "floppy")
physical signs

Flat facial features, with a small nose

Upward slant to the eyes

Small skin folds on the inner corner of the eyes

Small, abnormally shaped ears

Single deep crease across the center of the palm

Hyper flexibility (excessive ability to extend joints)

Fifth finger has only one flexion furrow instead of two

Extra space between the big toe and the second toe

Downs Syndrome also affects other systems of body:


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