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                                      Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity

International Women’s Day  is observed every year on 8th of March across all over the world in order to focus the achievements and contributions of the women in the society.

   " A Strong Women is both Soft and Powerful, She is both Practical and Spiritual...
              .. a Strong Women in Her Essence is a Gift to the World" ...

women are perfect at multitasking work

This day  is celebrated to provide respect to whole women fraternity,  as women are the major part of the society and plays a great role in the economic, political, and social activities, international women’s day is commemorated to remember, appreciate and love women’s all over achievements.

 "There is No Force Equal to a Woman Determined to Rise"

This year’s theme is “Empowering Women - Empowering Humanity: Picture It!" envisions a world where each woman and girl can exercise her choices, such as participating in politics, getting an education, having an income, and living in societies free from violence and discrimination.

"There is No Tool for Development More Effective than the Empowerment of Women"

Some of major areas concerned with women empowerment are as follows:

1. Protecting Girl Child

Specific forms of violence and harmful practices affect girls in particular, including child sexual abuse.
So there is urgent need to empower girls and young women to pursue their dreams, confront discrimination, and prevent violence of all kinds.
By raising awareness of girls’ rights with collaboration of educators, parents  and with religious leaders, such practices of female feticide can be controlled.
To advance girls' education, health and well-being, the governments and other partners should pay their attention  for a creating a world where girls can live free from fear, violence and discrimination.

2.Human Rights of Women

Women and girls are entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of all of their human rights and protection and promotion of human rights is the first responsibility of governments.
The States should create laws, policies and plans to ensure women’s rights and protect them against violations.  It is the responsibility of every government to ensure that adequate laws are passed and work with partners to train and educate the law enforcement and justice officials who must implement them.

3. Involvement of women in decision making

Once in leadership roles, women make a difference. But they are under-represented as voters and in top positions, whether in elected office, the civil service, corporate boardrooms or academia.
Leadership and participation training programs should be designed  for women political candidates to help build their skills, as well as voter and civic education and sensitization campaigns on gender equality.

4.Women and Health

Women need to be healthy in order to realize their full potential. This includes proper nutrition, sexual and reproductive rights, and mental health, as well as freedom from violence.
Practices that bring danger to women and girls, including child marriage, female genital cutting, dietary restrictions, and others should be discouraged. Women’s needs are met during medical humanitarian crises, and support and empower women living with HIV and AIDS.

5. Education and Training of women

Education is essential for women to reach gender equality and become leaders of change. While women and girls today are far more educated than ever before, gaps remain. Educated women benefit entire societies, contributing to flourishing economies and the improved health, nutrition and education of their families. Education and training are also tools to help change harmful gender stereotypes.

6.Poverty and Women

When women are poor, their rights are not protected and they face double discrimination, on account of their gender and economic situation. Women, their families, communities and economies suffer as a result. Programs are implemented to provide training, loans and practical skills to empower women economically, give them a voice, strengthen social services and increase awareness of women’s rights.

7.Economy and Role of women

Whether in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or through unpaid domestic or care work at home, women make enormous contributions to economies. Gender discrimination means women often end up in insecure, low-wage jobs, and constitute a small minority of those in senior positions.

8.Role of Media in women's safety

The media plays a significant role in perpetuating and challenging social norms that condone discrimination or violence against women. It can objectify women but also showcase strong women leaders and protagonists who can become role models for their audience.

9.Environment and Role of Women

Women are among the most affected by climate change. They are often the ones gathering water, fishing or farming land affected by flooding. Meanwhile, their voices are often ignored in environmental planning and management. They also have less access to land and productive resources.

The Empowered Women is Powerful Beyond Measures and Beautiful beyond Description.


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