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Connect & Accept: Down Syndrome

Child with Down's syndrome have equal rights ( image: 

World Down's Syndrome Day is observed annually on 21 march all around the globe.

This day is observed  to raise public awareness of Down syndrome, a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome. The theme this year is “  Inclusion Means ” which highlights the importance of the inclusion & protecting their rights in society with other people. 

 The Theme also explain how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions throughout their lives, whether in schools, workplaces, living in the community, public and political life, culture, media, recreation, leisure and sport.

Explain how negative attitudes and a lack of knowledge about their potential as individuals prevent people with Down syndrome from having opportunities to make contributions.

Empower people with Down syndrome (and those supporting them) to advocate for their rights and opportunities to make meaningful contributions. ( info source-

Downs Syndrome ( image: thequint)

1 in 1000 babies in India are born with Down syndrome and yet there is very little awareness around it. 

Incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births in the whole world. Approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this disease each year!

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal genetic abnormality in children across the world. The risk of Down’s in the baby increases exponentially if the woman conceives after the age of 35 years. 

The most common features associated with Down syndrome include:

Flat facial features, with a small nose

• Upward slant to the eyes

Small skin folds on the inner corner of the eyes

• Small, abnormally shaped ears

clinical features of down's syndrome ( image: thequint)

Single deep crease across the center of the palm

• Hyper flexibility (excessive ability to extend joints)

Fifth finger has only one flexion furrow instead of two

• Extra space between the big toe and the second toe

• Low muscle tone (babies appear "floppy") hypotonia results in problem with
 sucking and feeding and leads to constipation and other digestive issues. Kids also have delays in speech and self-care skills like feeding, dressing, and toilet training.

People with Down syndrome, on an equal basis with other people, must be able to enjoy full and equal rights, both as children and adults. This includes the opportunity to participate fully in their communities.

Children with Down's Syndrome needs Occupational therapy, Training of Activities of Daily Living, Physical Therapies, Speech n Language Therapy, Special Education. 

ऑक्यूपेशनल थेरेपी की डाउन्स सिंड्रोम से ग्रसित बच्चों के विकास में अहम् भूमिका है. OT द्वारा बच्चों की फाइन मोटर स्किल्स जैसे पेंसिल पकड़ना, बटन लगाना, चम्मच पकड़ना आदि को डेवेलोप करने के लिए कम्पलीट हैंड कोर्डिनेशन एक्टिविटी करवाई जाती है. साथ ही बच्चों को दैनिक कार्यों की ट्रेनिंग देना ( कपड़े पहनना, टॉयलेट जाना ) अदि कार्यों में आत्मनिर्भर होने की ट्रेनिंग भी दी जाती है. 

OT Activities are also focused on improving arm, wrist and hand strength, coordination, balance and control. Activities also focuses on issues related with Sensory Awareness by using Sensory Diet. As Kids having DS may also have Behavioral n social Issues, they are also taught how to control impulse n behavior through Specifically designed Group Activities. 

Dr. P Pathak

Founder and Occupational Therapist

( info source: thequint/


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