Let's Talk, Let's Connect (image-stevenaitchison)

We are facing a difficult time due to COVID_19. The pandemic has given rise to several restrictions which we are not acustomed to, being it from staying at home & isolation from social activities..from online classes for kids to virtual board meetings..losing jobs or home schooling.. the pandemic has taken a srious toll on our physical & as well as mental health.
In such distressing times it's utmost essential for us to take care of one's mental health & wellbeing. Acc. to WHO, Depression is one of the leading causes of disability. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely!
So what can be done & how to deal & cope-up?
the first & foremost thing a person shud do is to chart out the fatores that are bothering him.. when we identify and shortlist our troublesome issues than we are able to find out solutions of the respective problem
second, we have to find out the right person with whom we can discuss our worries and fear..if such person is not there thn one can approach counselors and even online forums where en no. of people used to discuss their plights with each other and find solution
third, never ever think that the world is gonna end..that nothing can be done coz everything takes time to happen..we have to build up courage and faith in ourselves.. remember a postive mindset is prerequisite for overcoming difficult times..
So how can one gain mental toughness? Well there are many ways..
Keeping Up a Routine:
COVID-19 and work from home scenario has completely deteriorated our schedule. Hence keeping a fixed daily life is utmost omportant..be it sleep-wake time, engaging in some home based physical workouts, taking timely healthy meals, proper balance between work and rest, devoting some time in leisure activities..
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Yoga For Mind, body & soul ( image- wisegeek) |
the ancient practice of meditation and dhyan yoga helps in nullyifying negative thoughts from one's mind..
beginning with 5-10 min a day will prove beneficial in reducing stress and relieving anxiety..
techniques incoorporated in deep breathing and pranayam relaxes mind, soothes negative thoughts, reduce tension that has build up in the body..
this also encourages release of 'good hormones' which ultimately lighten the mood
this simple habit has enormous benefit.. opening a good fiction or exploring inspiring auto biographies can help in combating stress..reading relaxes body, improves concentration, enhances mental clarity and helps in finding new ways to cope up with anxiety
Limiting Screen Time:
Write-it out :
many researches have proved that writing up your thoughts will helps in easing emotional pain..when an individual pens down his worst fear thn the mind will start relaxing and be better able to process thoughts n emotions thus making way for mental clarity.. one can write in diary..on laptop..or even mail
Try something new:
I know that it may sound weird but when we distract our mind from the on going problems and deviate it towards somthing else thn we are able to brak the chain of streeful thoughts and imaginary horrific scenario wwhich keeps on playing in our mind.. watching humor..is best ay to do this
another fantastic way to cope up with negativity is consume ur energy in stretching/strenghtening workouts.. exercise has got tremendous healing power..it lifts your spirit and make you feel lighter
try cooking your own meals..add up healthy stuff..lots of veggies/fruits/nuts in meals
Spending Time with Kids
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Reach-out & engage |
Kids are always enthusiastic, full of positive energy, one can simply feel good vibes when surrounded by kids, just reach out to your neighbourhood or visit orphanage..
volunteer at school or aaganwadi center..you can find the contagious smile of innocent souls which uplift your mood & improve sense of well being
Spend Time with Nature:
Nature is one of the best Healer, spending quality timein activities like gardening, bird wayching, animal photography, acquiring new knowledge about our wildlife will also brighten up mood!
Playing with pets or observing birds/nature will have soothing effect on mind..it improves secretion of oxytocin & reduces the level of cortisol in body..the mere activities of pet relives feeling of isolation and fill oneself with positivity..activities like gardening also reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure
Most Important of All... Just Love yourself:
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Keep Your Spirits-up |
the way you feel about yourself will directly affects your personalty and thoughts..
never judge yourself on basis of opinion of others, raise your self-esteem, keep pushing and motivating yourself every single day..
keep your morale high and set your spirits up.. remember that positive vibes attract more happiness
Never forget that the most prcious gift we'll have is our Life..cherish it..
Never ever Give up!!
Dr. Pooja Pathak
for swavalambanrehab
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