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Enhancing Fine Motor Skills Of Children At Home

Fine motor skills plays an integral role in performing and executing various essential functions in our day to day life. Be it writing, buttoning, or tying shoe-laces we need to have not only good eye-hand co-ordination but also firm grip and dexterity function. फाइन मोटर स्किल्स अर्थात पुरे हाथ से कार्य करने की क्षमता एवं दक्षता. Babies tend to acquire these gross-fine motor skills step by step as early as first few months after birth.

 While kids have their own pace in acquisition of these skills which they tend to expertise with time, some children often lag behind specially those with neurological developmental disorder like cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, PDD etc. 

This lack of uni/bilateral coordination, poor wrist movement, poor pinch strength contribute to dependence on others for performing ADL tasks such as holding fork-spoon, buttoning, writing and thus lowers self-esteem of child.

हमारे हाथों की मजबूत पकड़ किसी भी कार्य को दक्षता से करने के लिए अत्याधिक महत्वपूर्ण होती है।

Occupational therapy plays an integral role in achieving/enhancing fine motor skills through different goal directed purposeful activities. here, we look at some of the simple strategies which you can apply at home to enhance better hand coordination:

1. Play Doh

Play-doh act for hand (

 Manipulating play doh not only improves control of hand muscles but it also tend to improve pinch strength, gives deep sensory input, enhances sitting endurance. 

While engaging in doh manipulation childs attention, creativity and imagination also improves. 

Be it rolling over hands, pressing with palm, pinching, pounding, kneading, या फिर विभिन्न प्रकार की आकृतियों को बनाना क्ले एक्टिविटी से अलग अलग तरह की रोचक गतिविधिया बच्चों को करवा सकते हैं.

इसी प्रकार आटा गूंथना, आटे से विभिन्न तरह की आकृतियां बनाना, चकली बनाना जैसी और भी कई रौचक एक्टिविटी आसानी से घर पर कर सकते हैं।

2. Threading Beads :

 Kids love to play with different colorful beads, lacing improves colour/shape/size perception, mathematical concepts like counting, greater/lesser identification, patterns and makes pincer grasp stronger. 

3. Coloring
Coloring patterns (

 Be it with crayons/chalk or sketch pens, coloring different patters or figures has got tremendous therapeutic effects, it calm the mind and enhancing creativity. Kids can be taught in a better way through different coloring patterns

Coloring activity provides sensory input input too which helps in reducing hyperactivity, improves concentration skill and enhances sitting endurance of kids too!

4. Paper Folding

Be it the art of origami or making simple patterns like boat..airplane kids love to see simple piece of paper converted into fascinating objects.

5. Buttoning/Unbuttoning

6. Opening and closing zippers

7. Sponge/ soft ball pressing

8. Paper cutting

9. Holding small objects and shifting them from side to side/ up and down
Shifting small objects from R to L side (

10. Cardboard Games/puzzles
Fixing up puzzles (

11. Opening and closing bottle lid

12. Joining dot to dot patterns 
joining dots (

13. Plucking up grass blade from ground

14. Coin twisting

15. Squeezing wet towel/clothes

16. Using tongs/tweezers to pick up different size of objects
Tweezer board (

17. Turning pages

18. Lacing board
Lacing is excellect activity for improving fine grip strength (

19. Playing with building blocks/lego 

stacking up building blocks (

20. Peg board games

Fixing up pegs in board (

21. Tie shoelaces

22. Using clothespin

23. Finger painting 

Paint with fingers provide excellent tactile input (

Thus, by using different kind of materials which are easily available at home, we can enhance fine motor coordination skills.

Dr. Pooja Pathak

For SwavalambanRehab


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