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Sensory Processing Disorder in Children

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a heterogenous neurological condition that occurs when sensory signals don’t get organised into appropriate responses. 

Individual having SPD find it difficult to process sensory information (e.g. sound, touch and movement) from the world around them. This means that they may feel sensory input more or less intensely than other people. SPD can therefore impact on a person’s ability to interact in different environments and perform daily activities. 

Kids w/ SPD find it difficult to sit still ( Representational image only)
SPD से ग्रसित ज्यादातर बच्चे ध्वनियों/स्पर्श/स्वाद/सुगंध/ एवं कुछ दृश्यों के प्रति अत्यधिक संवेदनशील होते हैं,जैसे certain fabrics or tags in clothing might irritate them;वही कुछ बच्चे इन सभी संवेदनाओं के प्रति अलूफ यानि डल रहते है, जैसे  have a high tolerance to pain and not realize when they’re in a dangerous situation. 

Acc. to an estimate five to 16 percent of school-age kids suffer from SPD. 

SPD is generally classified into 3 subtypes.. 
SPD triggers (image-pinterest)

Sensory over-responsive (responds too much, for too long, or to stimuli of weak intensity)
Sensory under-responsive (responds too little, or needs extremely strong stimulation to become aware of the stimulus)
Sensory seeking/craving (responds with intense searching for more or stronger stimulation).

Features of sensory processing disorder (SPD)

- इन बच्चो का संवेदन संभंधित भाग अत्यधिक सक्रिय होता है फलस्वरूप इस प्रकार के बच्चे एकाग्र नहीं रह पाते

-सामाजिक मेल-मिलाप की कमी

-दुसरो की बात नहीं मानना

-अत्यधिक उग्र और ज़िद्दी होना

-जिस काम में दोनों हाथों का ताल-मेल होना चाहिए उन्हें नहीं कर पाना

-कोई भी कार्य बीच में ही अधूरा छोड़कर दौड़ने लगना, कूदना

-अन्य व्यक्तियों से पृथक रहना

-आत्म-सम्मान और विश्वास की कमी होना

-कार्य-अकुशलता, विद्यालयीन और पढाई समबन्धित काम में पिछड़ना

-एक ही स्थान पर बहुत देर तक बैठे या खड़े रहना

-अत्यधिक ठंडा/ गर्म होने पर भी प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त नही करना

-चोट लगने पर भी नहीं बता पाना, सुस्त प्रतीत होना

-बार बार दोहराने पर ही दिए गए कार्य को पूरा करना

features of sensory processing disorder in children 

high reactivity to sound, touch or movement

under-reactive to certain sensations (e.g. not noticing name being called, being touched, high pain threshold)

seems lethargic/disinterested

appearing to mostly be in their ‘own world’

 difficulty regulating their own behavioural and emotional responses; 

increased tantrums/emotional reactive/ need for control/ impulsive behaviours/ easily frustrated

easily distracted, shows poor attention/concentration

 poor motor skills/ clumsy, poor coordination, balance and motor planning skills

poor handwriting skills

picky eater

distressed during self-care tasks (e.g. hair-brushing, hair-washing, nail cutting, dressing, tying shoe laces, self-feeding)

engaged in constant spinning, running around, jumping, crashing in objects/people)

avoids movement based equipment (e.g. swings, slides)

floppy  has ‘low muscle tone’, tires easily and is often slumped in postures

Performs tasks with too much force, has big movements, moves too fast, writes too light or too hard

delayed communication and social skills, is hard to engage in two-way interactions

 play on their own or has difficulty in knowing how to play with other children

 difficulty accepting changes in routine or transitioning between tasks

 difficulty engaging with peers and sustaining friendships.


Occupational Therapy and Sensory integration therapy is generally applied in such cases which allow children to explore in an unencumbered environment that allows them to fine-tune their interpretations and responses. 

Benefits of Sensory Integration Therapy include : 

-Lessen sensory defensiveness

-Develop positive behavior patterns

-Correctly interpret sensory input

-Minimize input intolerance

-Eliminate fear
Deep compression based activity calms down n organizes brain

-Reduce negative physical reactions

-Create physical equilibrium and sense of space

-Encourage play and socialization

-Anticipate action and outcome

-Improved motor-planning n Hand-eye coordination

-Gravitational security, Improved Posture n Balance responsively (over responsively and under responsively)
Exposure to soothing sensory surrounding

-Language development

Children with SID needs special attention n care to nourish their skills in right direction. 

All they need is Patience, Care n Love...

Dr. P Pathak

Founder and Occupational Therapist


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