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Choose Health for Kidney: World Kidney Day 2019

World Kidney Day 2019

क्या आप जानते हैं कि 850 million people across d globe have kidney diseases from various causes. 

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes at least 2.4 million deaths per yearand is now the 6th fastest growing cause of death! जनसाधारण में किडनी रोगों के प्रति जागरूकता के उद्देश्य से World Kidney Day का आयोजन किया जाता है। 

Kidneys are one of the most vital organ of human body which performs major functions like removing toxins and excess salt/water from body, excess water from blood, helps in controlling blood pressure, also produces red blood cells. It control blood stream levels of many minerals and molecules like sodium and potassium, helps to control blood acidity. 

Take Care of Your Kidney (image:

 This year's Theme is "Kidney Health For Everyone Everywhere". क्रॉनिक किडनी डिज़ीज़ेस (CKD) होने की संभावना महिलाओं में पुरुषों की अपेक्षाकृत कहीं ज्यादा होती है with an average 14% prevalence in women and 12% in men वहीं वर्तमान में  it is currently the 8th leading cause of death in women, with close to 600,000 deaths each year..!! 

Women who are diagnosed with CKD को कईं अन्य हेल्थ इश्यूज का भी सामना करना पड़ता है like अनियमित माहवारी, अवसाद, जोड़ों/हड्डियों में दर्द- अस्थि रोग, sexual dysfunction, प्रेग्नेंसी रिलेटेड प्रॉब्लम्स, Urinary Tract Infections...


During the initial stages, there are no specific symptoms, as kidney function decreases, the symptoms are related to the inability to regulate water and electrolyte balances, clear waste products from the body, and promote red blood cell production.

मतली होना/ जी मचलाना (nausea)
उल्टी होना 
भूख नहीं लगना/कम होना 
Sleep problems
पेशाब में परिवर्तन आना 
Decreased mental sharpness
मांसपेशियों में दर्द/ ऐंठन/अकड़न 
पंजे/एड़ी में सूजन/दर्द 
Persistent itching
छाती में दर्द 
Shortness of breath
High blood pressure (hypertension) that's difficult to control

Implications of CKD

When a woman has CKD, her periods can become increasingly irregular as her kidney function begins to drop. 

As the body starts to retain a higher level of waste products, due to the failing kidneys, causing egg production to be affected, which in-turn affects her menstrual cycle...

As the kidneys normal functions begin decreasing, hormone and blood flow levels are affected. Decreased blood flow to the genital area affects sensitivity, and contributes to the lack of sexual desire.  Low hormone levels tend to cause vaginal dryness, which can lead to painful intercourse..(qualitydialysis)

How To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy:

Always Follow a Healthy Lifestyle, Engage in Physical Work-Outs, Do cycling, Yoga

Stop Smoking and Tobacco Use

Limit Alcohol Intake

Eat Healthy, Add Plenty of Nutritious and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Your Daily Diet

Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Regular Intervel

Control Your Diabetes

Know Your Family History 

Never Take any Medication/ Over-The-Counter Drugs Without Consulting Physician

Stay Healthy..!!

Dr. Pooja Pathak

Founder and OT


  1. Attention! Adults with gout and kidney problems
    Enrollment open for a clinical research study.
    Study Scavenger Gout & Kidney Study

    #chicago #kidney #gout


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