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Showing posts from May, 2016

Beware before It Breed - Stop Dengue

Be Cautious, Be Prepared, let's eliminate Dengue ( image credit: borneoblletin)  In order to raise awareness among public about Dengue fever, it's spread, transmission n management, National Dengue Day is observed every year on 16th May. Dengue fever incidences are more frequent in tropical n sub-tropical regions. Dengue fever, a painful debilitating condition, is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquito infected with dengue virus.  cause of dengue ( image credit:lloyd health) When a mosquito bites someone who is having the dengue virus, then it got infected n hence keeps on transmissing the virus from one person to another through it's bite.  Dengue does not gets spread from one person to another directly. The incubation period is from 3 to 15 days before initial signs n symptoms begin to appear.  Symptoms of Dengue include: Fever Headache Muscle n joint pain Exhaustion Abdominal pain Nausea/ Vomiting  Sy...

Just Beat It :Preventing Heat Stroke this Summer

Beating the Scorching heat this Summer ( image credit: With the high-rising soaring temperature across all parts of the globe, Sun Stroke or Heat Stroke is most common in Summer season.  Heat Stroke occurs when a person is exposed to extreme hot weather conditions, for a prolong period of time, thus causing over-heating of body. The condition also affects persons who are doing extreme amount of physical work/labour, atheletes, kids playing in open areas during day time n travellers.  Heat Stroke is a serious condition which requires emergency medical attention. It can damage Brain along with other Internal Organs of the body.  सन-स्ट्रोक ( लू ) के कुछ प्रमुख लक्षण इस प्रकार है: मितली/उल्टी/ जी घबराना nausea/vomoting सिरदर्द throbbing headache शरीर का तापमान बढ़ना high body temperature  दिग्भ्रमित प्रतीत होना, चक्कर आना  a ltered Behavioral Changes, confusion, disorientation स्किन का लाल-गुलाबी हो जान...