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Showing posts from February, 2015
Play: The highest form of Research and favorite way of Learning mother-child plays strengthens the bonding Play is a primary occupation of childhood which is characterized by fun and spontaneity and involves exploration, experimentation, imitation and repetition. Play is also considered as our brain's favorite way of learning new things. Play deprivation is common  in children with developmental disabilities because of different forms of barrier which include limitation imposed by care givers,physical limitation of child due to spasticity, environmental barrier in home or schools and  social barriers due to limited interaction with other children. Play is very essential n integral part for every child's normal growth and development and as it also helps to improve coordination, communication and interpersonal skills; so it is very important to include therapeutic play as a part of rehabilitation program. By integrating play within therapy sessions a child's in...
                                        Visual Disorder Associated with Cerebral Palsy Visual impairments can result from problems with any part of the visual system including the eyes,eye muscles, optic nerve and the areas of cerebral cortex that process visual information. Optic nerve damage, visual field losses , and cataracts are common in premature infant with retinopathy of prematurity. Children with cerebral palsy exhibit a variety of problems with acuity and focusing, oculomotor performance and visual perception. Almost 75 % children have refractive errors including near sightedness or farsightedness + astigmatism.Cortical visual impairment is defined as partial or total blindness due to injury in the visual pathway or visual cortex of the brain rather than in the eye itself.  Visual perception the process of obtaining information from the environment which include...

NDT In Cerebral Palsy

Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) Approach in Cerebral Palsy NDT approach NDT is a form of therapy used with persons who have central nervous system disorders resulting in abnormal posture & movement. Th treatment approach attempts to initiate or refine the normal stages & processes in the development of movement.Specific handling techniques as well as adaptive equipment are used to achieve inhibition of abnormal patterns, normalization of muscle tone & facilitation of more normal movement. The main principle of NDT are : The damaged central nervous system blocks normal movement. Abnormal muscle tone results in abnormal patterns of posture & movement. These abnormal patterns affect all function i.e. respiration, speech, feeding, perception, self-care & walking. Because the basis of movement is sensation so the change requires the person to feel more normal movements. Optimal Gains are achieved only with combined efforts of patient, family, physician ...
Understanding Primitive Reflexes #reflexes #newborn #cerebralpalsy #primitive #infant reflexes A reflex is a muscle reaction that happens automatically in response to stimulation. Certain sensations or movements produces specific muscle response. Many infant reflexes will disappear as the child grows older, although some remain intact throughout adulthood. A reflex that is present after a certain age will when it is supposed to disappear will be considered as a sign of damage to brain or nervous system. Reflexes are the most objective part of neurological examination as these are extremely helpful in determining the level of damage to the nervous system.All reflexes when reduced to their simplest level are sensorimotor arcs. Simple reflex involves direct synapse between sensory fiber and motor neuron i.e. monosynaptic, many reflexes have several neurons interposed i.e. polysynaptic reflexes. Primitive reflexes also known as infant or newborn reflexes are exhibited by normal...

Dealing with Dysphagia in Kids with Cerebral Palsy

अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए पर्याप्त मात्रा में पोषक आहार लेने के साथ ही उसे सही प्रकार से चबाना भी जरुरी होता है, पर कभी-कभी कुछ बच्चो को भोजन चबाने या निगलने में दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़ता है.. Children having Neurological Disorders are more prone for such feeding related problems..  Dysphagia makes feeding a tough task  Cerebral palsy can affect the muscles which controls opening and closing of mouth,moves lips and tongue and jaw movement. The muscle coordination and movements in face and neck allows a person to breath,swallow and talk.  Some children may face difficulties in chewing and swallowing food and liquid items, the condition is known as Dysphagia.  से रिब्रल पाल्सी से ग्रसित अनेक बच्चों को डिसफैजिया अर्थात खाद्य पदार्थों को निगलने में दिक्कत होना एक आम समस्या है जो की अनेक प्रकार के गंभीर कॉम्प्लीकेशन्स को जन्म दे सकती है. सही मात्रा में भोजन नहीं चबा पाने के कारन प्रायः इन बच्चों में कुपोषण, पोषक तत्वों की कमी होना, बार-बार सांस अ...

Intensive Suit Therapy In Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Intervention: Role of Intensive Suit Therapy #cerebralpalsy #balance #coordination #therapy #spasticity Thera suit is a bio-mechanical suit used to increase feedback to the brain and enhance purposeful movement. The thera suit is comprised of hat,vest,knee pads along with custom made shoes worn by the child or adult having cerebral palsy. The suit comprises of multiple adjustable rings and elastic band on the garment that can be adjusted to provide pressure and support the affected muscles and joints.The bungee cords are are placed at specific points and the whole suit will act as an exoskeleton for the child by keeping the body in proper anatomical alignment thereby helping in normalizing the muscle tone and preventing the risk for developing limb deformities. Wearing the suit during exercise program will help in reducing the effects of spasticity,athetosis,hypertonia,hypotonia and ataxia. The suit provides proprioceptive input thereby helping a child to buil...

Childhood Cancer: signs, symptoms and its Rehabilitation

International Childhood Cancer Day 15 Feb 2015 has been observed to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families. The day promotes increased appreciation and deeper understanding of issues and challenges impacting childhood cancer and the survivors. It also spotlights the need for more equitable and better access to treatment and care for all children with cancer. Cancers in children can be hard to recognize right away because early symptoms are often like those caused by much more common illnesses or injuries. The common Signs ans Symptoms to look out for: An unusual lump or swelling Unexplained paleness and loss of energy Easy bruising An ongoing pain in one area of the body Limping Unexplained fever or illness that doesn’t go away Frequent headaches, often with vomiting Sudden eye or vision changes Sudden unexplained weight loss The types of cancers that occur most often in ...