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Attention & Concentration Exercises For Kids At Home

Concentration Exercises

 अतिचंचल बच्चों को किसी भी प्रकार के कार्य करने के लिए बैठाना पैरेंट्स के लिए कई बार मुश्किल होता है, परंतु हम घर पर ही कुछ सरल और मजेदार एक्टिविटीज द्वारा उनकी ध्यान और एकाग्रता को बढ़ा सकते हैं। 

So, let's take a quick look at the set of some fun-filled activities which you can do with your child at home...

Seeing mirror/ observing self

The kids with sensory processing disorder or hyperactivity issues doesn't bother and are negligent about their general physical simple way to promote this sense is by making them see themselves through the mirror.. you can describe about their dress's colour name, prints/design/patten of the dress too!

Coloring Figures/ Block Painting/Vegetable-Fruit Pulp coloring

Finger painting to improve focus & creativity (

Stacking Beakers/ Rings

Stacking up of different size of beaker/rings improves problem-solving ability of kids too

Stacking-up of beakers (

Putting Rings in Stick

Sorting Vegetables/ Fruits

Ball Throw in a tyre tube/ ring/ bucket & Ball catch and throw with other person

Collect different items in bucket

Sort out different items according to their size/ color

Sort up mixed shape n size toys (

Stringing Beads

Sringing beads/buttons is an excellent activity to improve concenration skill of kids

Matching shapes

Fix up different shapes in the given slot (

Cut out pictures and paste in copy

Paper mosaic

Arranging story pieces according to sequence of story

Greeting card making, Envelope making

Finger painting, thumb painting with water color/ fruit juice/ vegetable pulp

Paint your imagination (

Carom board game

Solving crossword puzzles

Watering plants / filling water bottles

Engaging children in home making tasks like arranging vegetables in refrigerator 

- बिंदुओं को जोड़ कर आकृति बनाना / रंगोली बनाना 

- फलों/सब्जियों को उनके रंगों के साथ पर विभाजित करना

- घर पर उपलब्ध खिलोनों को उनके रंग/आकार/साइज़ के आधार पर सार्ट कर संख्या की गिनती करना एवं लिखना

- बास्केटबॉल खेलना

Thus, We Can Improve Attention & Concentration Skills of Kids At Home by the above mentioned fun-filled activities..

Stay Healthy, Stay Functional!

Dr. Pooja Pathak 

For SwavalambanRehab


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog post on activities to improve attention span in children. It's a critical topic, especially in today's digital age. Your suggestions for engaging and fun activities are both creative and practical. By providing these ideas, you are not only helping parents but also contributing to the development of our younger generation. Your insights are much appreciated, and I look forward to more informative posts like this in the future. Concentration Activities For Students
    Keep up the excellent work!


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