Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. निमोनिया होने पर पीड़ित व्यक्ति के फेफड़ों में सूजन आ जाती है एवं उनमे पस भर जाता है.
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Immunize your kids ( Representational image/pic: thehindu) |
Pneumonia is the single largest cause of death due to infections in children worldwide. It accounts for 16% of all deaths of children under five years old. As per a study, वर्ष २०१५-१६ में हमारे भारत में करीब ३ लाख से ज्यादा बच्चों की असमय मृत्यु का कारण निमोनिया और डायरिया ही है.
In order to raise awareness about this, World Pneumonia Day is observed on 12th of November.
Pneumonia is caused by infectious agents like viruses, bacteria and fungi, and is transmitted through the viruses and bacteria that are commonly found in a child's nose or throat, can infect the lungs if they are inhaled. They may also spread via air-borne droplets from a cough or sneeze. In addition, pneumonia may spread through blood, especially during and shortly after birth.
Symptoms of Pneumonia include:
तेज़ बुखार high fever
कंपकपी chills
सीने/छाती में दर्द pain in chest
खांसी बलगम cough ( with mucus)
गले में खराश sore throat
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Symptoms of Pneumonia in Adults ( pic: skinsheen) |
सांस लेने में दिक्कत shortness of breath/wheezing
थकान fatigue
अत्यधिक पसीना आना excessive sweating
उल्टी/मितली nausea
धड़कन तेज़ होना fast heart rate
Risk Factors include:
malnutrition or undernourishment कुपोषण,
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित हवा,
साफ़ सफाई का अभाव,
pre-existing illnesses, HIV infections, measles.
Preventive measures include:
Immunization against Hib, pneumococcus, measles and whooping cough (pertussis) is the most effective way to prevent pneumonia
Adequate nutrition
Controlling indoor pollution
Wash hands thoroughly
Avoid crowded places
Stay Healthy..
Dr. Pooja Pathak
for Swavalamban Rehab
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